Scared Monkeys Radio

For over a decade, Dana Pretzer has been doing his own brand of unique, entertaining, informed and refreshing style of talk radio. Talk radio where he allows the guest to talk, answer questions and inform the listeners on the important news stories of the day. Dana refers to it as "Main Street Media." We like to refer to it as a welcome and appreciated change.

Dana Pretzer brings his energetic yet relaxed demeanor and his well prepared yet spontaneous style of interviews to Scared Monkeys. Along with some of the biggest and most high-profile guests in the news today. Dana also brings a background in satellite radio and over 20 years in law enforcement. That, coupled with his relaxed yet professional and focused demeanor, makes him a natural behind the SMR microphone.

Dana and Scared Monkeys Radio focuses on Missing Persons, Unsolved Mysteries, Victims Rights, Politics, Crime & Punishment, Exploited Children, Entertainment, Technology and whatever the breaking and relevant stories are of the day. The stories that people want to talk about and hear.
Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Tuesday, December 16, 2008 – A Casey Anthony “Dream Team”?
December 16th, 2008 Caylee / Casey Anthony, Daily Commentary, Missing Persons, News of the Day, Podcasts

  • Dana thinks we need to forget about the famous names now surrounding Caylee Anthony’s disappearance.

Pingback from Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Tuesday, December 16, 2008 – A Casey Anthony “Dream Team”? | Scared Monkeys December 16, 2008, 6:06 am

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Comment from Jo Marie December 17, 2008, 12:53 am

As to Caylee Anthony’s mother taking her life away (and all evidence points to that),
Dana Pretzer realizes that the country has to get to the root of these child killings by parents.

I’m at a loss as to any legal means to assure that an adult is psychologically and financially fit to procreate.

As cold-hearted as it may sound to some, if the death penalty, where warranted, was carried out asap, I believe it would be a deterrent.

The same would apply to all who commit heinouse, premeditated murder. As it is practiced today, killers sit on death row for an endless number of years.

No wonder the death penalty has no effect on those who would murder.

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