Scared Monkeys Radio

For over a decade, Dana Pretzer has been doing his own brand of unique, entertaining, informed and refreshing style of talk radio. Talk radio where he allows the guest to talk, answer questions and inform the listeners on the important news stories of the day. Dana refers to it as "Main Street Media." We like to refer to it as a welcome and appreciated change.

Dana Pretzer brings his energetic yet relaxed demeanor and his well prepared yet spontaneous style of interviews to Scared Monkeys. Along with some of the biggest and most high-profile guests in the news today. Dana also brings a background in satellite radio and over 20 years in law enforcement. That, coupled with his relaxed yet professional and focused demeanor, makes him a natural behind the SMR microphone.

Dana and Scared Monkeys Radio focuses on Missing Persons, Unsolved Mysteries, Victims Rights, Politics, Crime & Punishment, Exploited Children, Entertainment, Technology and whatever the breaking and relevant stories are of the day. The stories that people want to talk about and hear.
Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Dommentary – Tuesday, April 21, 2009 – Lifetime Movie Network Portrayal Brings Natalee Holloway Case Added Exposure
April 21st, 2009 Daily Commentary, Natalee Holloway, Podcasts

  • Dana gives us his thoughts on the Natalee Holloway case

Comment from A Texas Grandfather April 21, 2009, 12:29 pm

I am glad that someone finally put this into a movie. Mothers and fathers all over the world need to see this film. This shows how nieve parents can be when it comes to allowing their young children (yes 18 year olds are legally still children in some places) to go on trips to foreign nations with improper supervision.
Beth is younger than my daughters and Natalee could have been a grandchild. In fact, the very weekend that Natalee went missing I was attending the graduation of the oldest child of my oldest daughter.
When I found out the story, I wrote the word “coverup” on a piece of paper. I was so angry at the worthless law enforcement of Aruba that I wanted to organize an American posse and go there to get these people to tell the truth.
The treatment that the people of Aruba gave to Beth, Dave, Jug, and others was horrible. They should loose their entire tourist industry. This is not the first time something of this nature has happened on the ABC islands, but it was the first time the international spotlight has been placed on them.
I was ashamed of Condee Rice and George Bush for not puting public pressure on the government of Aruba. The right thing to do would have been to send a naval ship to Aruba and call on the governor to do the right thing or we would simply take over the island and do the investigation ourselves.
I have never lost a child, but my grandmother outlived all but two of her thirteen children. She told me as a young child that the hardest thing she ever experienced was the death of one of her children.
I have followed this case since its inception and it still brings tears to my eyes. GOD bless Beth, Dave and all of their family.
This story and its publication may prevent others from having to suffer as this family.

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