Scared Monkeys Radio

For over a decade, Dana Pretzer has been doing his own brand of unique, entertaining, informed and refreshing style of talk radio. Talk radio where he allows the guest to talk, answer questions and inform the listeners on the important news stories of the day. Dana refers to it as "Main Street Media." We like to refer to it as a welcome and appreciated change.

Dana Pretzer brings his energetic yet relaxed demeanor and his well prepared yet spontaneous style of interviews to Scared Monkeys. Along with some of the biggest and most high-profile guests in the news today. Dana also brings a background in satellite radio and over 20 years in law enforcement. That, coupled with his relaxed yet professional and focused demeanor, makes him a natural behind the SMR microphone.

Dana and Scared Monkeys Radio focuses on Missing Persons, Unsolved Mysteries, Victims Rights, Politics, Crime & Punishment, Exploited Children, Entertainment, Technology and whatever the breaking and relevant stories are of the day. The stories that people want to talk about and hear.
The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Wednesday July 6, 2011 – Special Guests: Blink from Blink on Crime, Pat Brown & Tim Miller Discussing the Shocking Casey Anthony “Not Guilty” Verdict … Where is the Justice?
July 6th, 2011 Blink from Blink on Crime, Caylee / Casey Anthony, Guests, Justice, Legal Trials, Murder, Pat Brown, Show Line Ups, The Dana Pretzer Show, Tim Miller, True Crime


Dana welcomes special guests:

  • Crime blogger Blink from Blink on Crime will be discussing the shocking jury verdict of “not guilty” in the murder trial of Casey Anthony. In a head spinning decision, the jury in Orlando, FL took 10 hours of deliberations and came back with a “not guilty” verdict which begs the questions, is it “reasonable” that a jury could have watched the same trial everyone else did and let the tot mom skate on all major accounts … where is the Justice for Caylee? Blink will add her analysis and insight as to what occurred.
  • Pat Brown - Criminal profiler will be discussing the murder trial of Casey Anthony and yesterdays shocking verdict. Pat will provide her expert opinion as to Casey Anthony. The jury found her not guilty, but if not Casey, then who? What will Pat’s reaction be to Casey Anthony skating on all major charges. How did Casey Anthony walk?
  • Tim Miller - the founder of Texas Eqqusearch (TES) joins Dana to discuss his reaction to the Casey Anthony verdict, was it much different from the wild goose chase and runaround that TES received when conducted the searches for Caylee Anthony.

Comment from Angela Ivanhoe August 29, 2011, 8:45 pm

I find it interesting that my Automatic writing said that Caylee knew her death was an accident. Perhaps this jury was selected along Pure Lines of Truth. Maybe Caylee helped her mother from the other side. This is a God Thing For Sure! This is now between the souls of Caylee and Casey. There is always Divine Justice to help you learn what your lessons are for the energy you put forward.

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