Scared Monkeys Radio

For over a decade, Dana Pretzer has been doing his own brand of unique, entertaining, informed and refreshing style of talk radio. Talk radio where he allows the guest to talk, answer questions and inform the listeners on the important news stories of the day. Dana refers to it as "Main Street Media." We like to refer to it as a welcome and appreciated change.

Dana Pretzer brings his energetic yet relaxed demeanor and his well prepared yet spontaneous style of interviews to Scared Monkeys. Along with some of the biggest and most high-profile guests in the news today. Dana also brings a background in satellite radio and over 20 years in law enforcement. That, coupled with his relaxed yet professional and focused demeanor, makes him a natural behind the SMR microphone.

Dana and Scared Monkeys Radio focuses on Missing Persons, Unsolved Mysteries, Victims Rights, Politics, Crime & Punishment, Exploited Children, Entertainment, Technology and whatever the breaking and relevant stories are of the day. The stories that people want to talk about and hear.
Daily Commentary – Monday, March 19, 2012 – Do I Feel Sorry For George Clooney for Being Arrested?
March 19th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Nope! It is my opinion that George Clooney and his father were arrested as a PR stunt to draw attention to their cause. Will it help the Sudan? Probably not!

Daily Commmentary – Friday, March 16, 2012 – Outragious! American Flag with Obama Image?
March 16th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Outrage over an American flag with an image of Obama in place of the stars, flying at the Lake County Florida Democratic headquarters

Daily Commentary – Thursday, March 15, 2012 – TP Shortage, the Lastest USA Town Problem to Solve
March 15th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Contract dispute in Trenton, New Jersey, leads to a shortage of toilet paper!

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 14, 2012 – Glenn Beck Discusses Louis Farrakhan’s Prediction
March 14th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Glenn Beck Discusses Louis Farrakhan’s Prediction that Obama will be Assassinated

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, March 13, 2012 – Detroit Man Shot and Killed over the Price of Condoms
March 13th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Clerk shoots and kills customer that was arguing about the cost of a box of condoms

Daily Commentary – Monday, March 12, 2012 – Everyone Loves Fridays and Hates Mondays
March 12th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Not much has changed in the world over the weekend but I wish you a good Monday anyway!

Daily Commentary – Friday, March 9, 2012 – Manhatten Soccer Mom is One Hot Mamma
March 9th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Upper east side soccer mom runs Brothel that caters to rich and powerful Johns

Daily Commentary – Thursday, March 8, 2012 – Twins Inseparable in Life and Death
March 8th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • Lake Tahoe twins who were inseparable their entire lives, found dead of natural causes at age 71

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 7, 2012 – Reactions to Rush Limbaugh’s Comments about Activist Sandra Fluke
March 7th, 2012 under Daily Commentary. [ Comments: none ]

  • How the President and media have reacted to Rush Limbaugh’s comments about activist Sandra Fluke

The Dana Pretzer Show, on Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, March 6, 2012 – With Special Guests Rita Cosby, Pat Brown and Blink from BlinkonCrime
March 6th, 2012 under Blink from Blink on Crime, Guests, Pat Brown, Podcasts, Rita Cosby, Show Line Ups, The Dana Pretzer Show. [ Comments: 1 ]

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Dana welcomes special guests:

  • Rita Cosby. TV Star, talk radio host on 710 WOR Radio and bestselling author of Quiet Hero Secrets From My Fathers Past will be here to discuss the death of Whitney Houston , her book and her recent political
  • Pat Brown . Criminal Profiler has a new e book “Only The Truth”. Also will discuss the Ohio School Shootings and her investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann
  • Blink from with the latest in the Jennifer Kesse case


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